Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kneeling in communion is the Highest form of adoration

To all Roman Catholics of the World,

We are asked to defend our faith and remain obedient to the Vicar of Jesus our Pope.
As mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew. You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my church.
if we believe this, and also believe that the Pope speaks in the name of Jesus, we must then heed his decrees that we must with Reverence receive Jesus in communion by kneeling.

We must not be scared of being opposed or attacked by even our priests, as long as we know and obey the Holy Father we respected as the ambassador of heaven. Noticed on the picture of the Holy Father I got from the internet; What you will see is a floating host near the Pope's neck.

Jeffrey: I am humiliated once. I received communion kneeling the Priest never gave me communion. And now that the Pope decrees I will do it again. Because I love Jesus the most

So Brothers and Sisters, be one with us in bringing the true reverence to Jesus' Body and Blood
Fight and be counted as Eucharistic Armies of Love.

1 comment:

Pilgrim Padre said...

Kneeling during the Eucharistic Prayer, kneeling in Eucharistic Adoration... Yes.
I served at His Holiness, the Venerable John Paul II's mass for the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception at St. Peter's in Rome. We were told specifically by the Masters of Ceremonies that the posture of receiving communion was standing. I have also been to many Papal masses with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. All those to who he gave communion were standing.
No priest should deny you communion because you kneel. However, the priest is correct, at a proper time outside of mass, to ask you to observe the norm that the bishop's conference in your country has established regarding the posture for reception of communion, which I take to be standing.
Remember the lives of the saints... They were always asked by our Lord to obey priests and bishops, because obedience to the Church is obedience to Christ.
May the Lord give you Peace,
Fr. Christopher